Peterson tells us why skateboarding boys and girls must be left alone, what terrible fate awaits those who criticize too easily, and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street. Humorous, surprising and informative, Dr. Peterson's answer to this most difficult of questions uniquely combines the hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research. If you are sacrificing healthy relationship (with God or others) in order to accomplish your “rule,” this version of your rule has ceased to aid you in the goal of drawing closer to God and becoming a person of love.What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Life is a bit of a moving target, so we have to regularly review our rule and make sure it’s still bringing us life with God and others. Remember that a good rule is a working document: Like us, it’s dynamic, not static. A good rule should feel like freedom, not slavery. And never let it override the Spirit’s frequently unscheduled interruptions in our days. Keep a healthy balance of structure and spontaneity: Don’t let your rule become rigid, boring, or a legalistic, dull obligation. As a general rule, we need just a few upstream practices, and lots of downstream practices. And by downstream, we mean those practices that you find fun, living giving, easy and joyful. Keep a healthy balance of upstream and downstream practices: By upstream, we mean practices that may feel hard for you, but really move your soul toward growth. If you’re new to following Jesus and just beginning to learn about practices like silence and solitude or sabbath, don’t copy someone who is twenty years down the road. But also do your best to architect a balance that works for you.Ĭonsider your season of life and stage of discipleship: If you have little kids, start very small, go really easy on yourself, and remember children can be your “monastic bells” to remind you that your time is not your own, and shape you into a person of love. If you’re more extroverted, make sure you get a lot of time with friends. I.e., “Sabbath on Sundays” not “be more relaxed.”Ĭonsider your personality: If you’re introverted, carve out plenty of time to be alone in the quiet. Just start where you’re at and move forward at a deliberate, but relaxed pace.īe specific: Look for practices that are practical, concrete, and embodied, not vague and ideological.

If that means “daily prayer” is ten minutes to read one psalm and offer one prayer, great. We’ve included a “baseline practice” for each of the seven categories, but you may need to work toward that as an eventual goal. Doable, enjoyable goals move us forward in our spiritual formation. Unrealistic goals just leave us discouraged and disillusioned. That is a strategy bound to fail! Start where you are, not where you feel you should be. Start small: As with creating any new set of goals, it’s tempting to over-reach and attempt to live like a monk from day one. Or as Jesus put it, to abide in the vine and “bear much fruit.” The end is to be with Jesus, become like him, and do what he did. What should I consider as I craft my rule of life? Here are a few recommendations:Ībove all, never forget that a rule of life is a means to an end. We’ve created a template to get you started, but it’s just a suggestion: lean into your creativity.

Program it in a spreadsheet or draw it on a canvas. Make your own or do it with a few friends. So do it however you want! Make your rule simple, or complex. But there’s no one-size fits all approach. There are however best practices we would all be wise to incorporate at some level, no matter our personality or stage of life: morning prayer, sabbath, church on Sunday, regular rest, etc. There’s no “right” way to make a rule of life, just as there’s no official, orthodox rule of life that’s been passed down over the millennia.