It is also possible to switch the levers and pressure pads with a button, these can be timed to crush the endermen, then release when they reach the health points of half a heart, readying the endermen for a one hit kill from the player. This means that even with the pistons crushing the mobs down to half a heart, you can still give experience from the player hitting the mobs at their point of death. It is possible for the user to gain EXP from this trap, as the player hitting a mob once registers the mobs' death as a player-kill. The lever primes the trap and the enderman touching the pressure plates activates the pistons.
An upgrade is placing pressure plates (wooden for testing, so the player can activate the trap with an item, and stone for the enderman) at the bottom of the pit and rigging redstone into an AND Gate. The enderman should be weakened by having its head smashed and the player can kill it with one strike.

Wait a few moments and deactivate the lever. Activate the lever to extend the pistons. To use the trap, stand on the pillar, grab a sword and look at an enderman, causing it to rush toward the player and fall into the pit.